The Learning Innovation Hub
The Learning Innovation Hub is here to help teachers and their students find creative ways to integrate technology and use digital tools to connect with the novels. Digital opportunities to learn include producing blogs, podcasts, and videos.
Book Talks
As a fun alternative to book reports, use booktalks to motivate listeners in order to foster good reading and develop media skills.
Book Talk: Onward to Planet Kopius! Through Time and Space
Book Talk: CO2 Blues - Will the seasons be decimated?
Sixth grade students were inspired by Jeff Trippe's novel to make a video and song about the climate change controversy. The video ,though fiction is based on the fact that from March through June 2017, the Heartland Institute mailed some 300,000 copies of the book. Why Scientists disagree about global warming to K-12 and college teachers across America. Critics worry that denial of climate change by humans may hinder teachers from teaching scientific inquiry and students engaging in critical thinking.
"We have learned that overcoming fear is key to unlocking all that is good in our world." - Major George Pickett, year 2300, Onward to Planet Kopius, pg. 41